An open work permit can only be issued to a foreign national under one of the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) exemptions.
The instructions on this page should be reviewed in conjunction with the following information:
An open work permit enables a person to work for any employer for a specified period of time. An open restricted permit may restrict the occupation or location but not the employer.
Note: Although there are no restrictions on the open work permit concerning the employer name, the foreign national is still subject to the general conditions imposed on all temporary residents under subsection 183(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR), including paragraph R183(1)(b.2), which states that the foreign national cannot work for an employer who is ineligible (see Public list of employers who have been non-compliant.
Open work permit holders also cannot enter into or extend an employment agreement with an employer who, on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massage.
A foreign national may apply for an open work permit outside Canada, at a port of entry or after arrival to Canada, as per program requirements.
For more information on types of work permits fall under this category, click on link below: